PFLI Ethics Statement
Photo Credit: Mike DiRenzo
A member of the Photographic Federation of Long Island (PFLI) shall be ethical in dealing with PFLI, including when making and presenting photographic images. Images submitted for competition shall originate as photographs by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally.
Post-processing with image-editing software is permitted, but all additions and enhancements must result solely from the creative input of the photographer. If images are combined (montaged/composited), all such images must have been captured solely by the photographer. Images obtained from outside sources (such as stock photo agencies or commercial software) are not permitted in PFLI Competition. The photographer may use an outside lab to make prints, but the lab may not make changes to the photographer’s original file.
The use of ALL AI (Artificial Intelligence) Generative software to add elements to an image such as skies, animals, rainbows, clouds, reflections, textures, or any other AI additions is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. The PFLI reserves the right to request and review original files from the maker. Anyone caught violating PFLI rules by using AI to enhance their photos can be banned for the remainder of the competition year. A second offense by the same individual can be met with a lifetime banishment from PFLI competitions.
By virtue of submitting an entry, the photographer certifies the work to be his or her own, including all steps from capture to final edit and certifies that the work is in conformity with this Ethics Statement and with PFLI’s Competition Rules and Guidelines, which are available on PFLI’s website.
Note - Photographs which do not meet these criteria will not be eligible for PFLI Competition, will be disqualified and will not be eligible for PFLI Awards. Photographers who violate PFLI’s Competition Rules and Guidelines and/or Ethics Statement will be banned from competition for a term determined by PFLI with the possibility of permanent expulsion from PFLI.
Ethics complaints can be presented to PFLI’s Board of Directors by any PFLI Board member, Officer, or member club. Determination will be made by PFLI’s Board, or by a committee chosen by the Board.
PFLI’s mission is to encourage members to experience Photography as art and craft, as visual communication, and as personal creative expression. We believe that our Ethics Statement supports that mission.
Approved by PFLI’s Board of Directors / August 5, 2023