Competition Rules


Rev. May 2024


Photo Credit: Harry Loud


The following Competition Rules are adopted to guide the operation of the PFLI Competition only. They are not intended to direct the PFLI clubs in the operation of their own competitions. The PFLI accepts whatever the member clubs submit to the monthly PFLI competitions, provided the work conforms to the following specific conditions.

NOTE: Digital Images must be jpegs 1800 pixels on the long side, with a color space of srgb, and a file size of 1000K to 3000K.  


(1) SCHEDULE – Regular Season Competitions are scheduled on the second Friday of each month from October through May. Changes due to Holidays and other conflicts are listed on the PFLI Web Page WWW.PFLIONLINE.COM. The starting time will be published on the PFLI Web Site.

(2) LATE ENTRIES – All prints must be entered 15 minutes before the start time. All digital entries must be received by the digital coordinator via e-mail by midnight three days prior to the monthly meeting.

(3) ELIGIBILITY – All photos submitted must be created by a PFLI club member who currently resides on Long Island or in the New York Metropolitan Area. Any member who submits work during the current season and moves out of this area (but still remains a member of their club) may continue to submit work to the PFLI for the remainder of that season only.

(4) CATEGORIES – There will be five categories of competition as follows:

(a) Black & White Prints – [A & B Class] - shall be either:

1. Conventional monochromatic Black and White prints, or

2. Conventional Black and White prints toned with a single overall color (e.g., sepia) or

3. Conventional Black and White prints colored with a single color in specific areas. (i.e., an owl with eyes colored yellow).

(b) Color Prints – [A & B Class] - shall be either:

1– Conventional Color Prints or

2– Black and White Prints colored with more than one color.

(c) Digital Color Images – [A & B Class] – Shall be Color images in electronic format. Shall follow the same criteria as color prints above.

(d) Digital Black & White Images [Single Class] – Shall follow the same criteria as BW print above.

(e) Creative Digital Images – (Single Class) - shall be Color or Black and White images in electronic format.

Creative images are the maker’s artistic alterations of their original photograph

All work must originally be created photographically by the maker, including montages. You cannot enter a purely computer-generated image, just as you cannot enter an oil or watercolor painting. You cannot add clip art or stock images, not your own (i.e., the NASA image of the earth from space).

(5) ETHICS – A member of the Photographic Federation of Long Island (PFLI) shall be ethical in dealing with PFLI, including when making and presenting photographic images. Images submitted for competition shall originate as photographs by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. Post-processing with image-editing software is permitted, but all additions and enhancements must result solely from the creative input of the photographer. If images are combined (montaged/composited), all such images must have been captured solely by the photographer. Images obtained from outside sources (such as stock photo agencies or commercial software) are not permitted in PFLI Competition. The photographer may use an outside lab to make prints, but the lab may not make changes to the photographer’s original file.  

The use of ALL AI (Artificial Intelligence) Generative software to add elements to an image such as skies, animals, rainbows, clouds, reflections, textures, or any other AI additions is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. The PFLI reserves the right to request and review original files from the maker. Anyone caught violating PFLI rules by using AI to enhance their photos can be banned for the remainder of the competition year. A second offense by the same individual can be met with a lifetime banishment from PFLI competitions. By virtue of submitting an entry, the photographer certifies the work to be his or her own, including all steps from capture to final edit and certifies that the work is in conformity with this Ethics Statement and with PFLI’s Competition Rules and Guidelines, which are available on PFLI’s website.

Note - Photographs which do not meet these criteria will not be eligible for PFLI Competition, will be disqualified and will not be eligible for PFLI Awards. Photographers who violate PFLI’s Competition Rules and Guidelines and/or Ethics Statement will be banned from competition for a term determined by PFLI with the possibility of permanent expulsion from PFLI. Ethics complaints can be presented to PFLI’s Board of Directors by any PFLI Board member, Officer, or member club. Determination will be made by PFLI’s Board, or by a committee chosen by the Board. PFLI’s mission is to encourage members to experience Photography as art and craft, as visual communication, and as personal creative expression. We believe that our Ethics Statement supports that mission. 

(6) IDENTICAL IMAGES – You cannot enter the same image more than once. (but see rule 14). You cannot enter the same image in more than one category, such as a print and a digital image. You cannot enter a color print and convert it to a BW print and enter it again. You cannot enter a BW print and then either tone or hand color it and enter it again. Two images are considered the same if the subject matter, composition (vantage point, lens focal length, etc.), and lighting are substantially identical.

(7) CLASSES – There will be two classes in the Color Print, Black and White Print, and Digital Color Image categories, Class “B” (beginners) and Class “A” (advanced). The Creative Image category and Digital BW will consist of a single class. Any maker receiving three or more scores of 24 points, or more, in a “B” Class, in any one season, must compete in the “A” class in that category at the PFLI in subsequent seasons. Makers may elect to compete in the “A” category at the PFLI without attaining three 24’s; however, once in the “A” category, all makers must remain in that category forever. Each club determines the class for each of its members at the club competition level. Photographs entered in the wrong class at PFLI are subject to disqualification.

(8) ONE CLASS PER CATEGORY – Each maker must compete in only one class per category (i.e., you cannot compete in color prints “A” and color prints “B”) same category from both clubs, but you may compete in, say, BW prints from one club and Color prints from another.

(9) MULTI-CLUB MEMBERSHIP In cases of multi-club membership, you cannot compete in the same category from both clubs, but you may compete in, say, BW prints from one club and Color prints from another.

(10) MID-SEASON CLASS CHANGES – No changes in class will occur during the competition season. (Attaining three 24’s in the “B” class does not move you up to “A” until the start of the next season.) If an error occurs (for example, a person starts to compete in class “B” when they should have been in class “A” or vice versa) the error will be corrected for future competitions; however, the past offending photographs may be disqualified.

(11) MAXIMUM ENTRIES PER CLUB – The maximum number of images per club will be determined by the Board of Directors. Currently, clubs may enter up to 15 images per category and class. The entries must be in slates of 5 (i.e., if you are entering eight images in BWB, there would be 5 in the first slate, designated A, B, C, D, and E and 3 in the second slate designated F, G, and H.) Only one image per maker is allowed UNLESS you are entering only one slate. Then the maximum number of images per maker is 2.

(12) ENTRY FORMS – Regardless of the number of print entries submitted to the PFLI competition, a PFLI Print entry form, in duplicate, must be submitted for each category/class. Each form must be completed in its entirety, including club name, club I.D. number, date, class, category, maker’s name, and photo title or description. Clubs entering up to five pieces of work must use letter designations “A” through “E” for each entry. Clubs submitting up to ten pieces of work must fill out a separate form and continue the letter sequence, “F” through “J.” Clubs entering up to fifteen pieces must submit a third form and continue with the sequence “K” through “O.” After scoring, one copy of the form will be returned to the club while the Competition Chairperson will retain the duplicate. No entry forms are required for the digital competitions. The Digital Images file names must conform to the following format. cxx-codename-yz-title.jpg where, xx = the club number codename = the maker’s code name with a maximum of 9 characters yz = where y is the class (B-beginner, A-advanced, K- Digital BW, and C-Creative) and z is the slate designation (A through O) title = anything up to 36 characters. NO spaces are permitted except in the title.

(13) JUDGES – There will be three judges per competition. Judges may be from within a member club or unaffiliated. Member judges must be class “A” workers in at least one category. Monthly competition judges will not be compensated.

(14) SCORING – Each of the judges will score from 5 to 9 points. Entries from a judge’s own club will be scored by averaging the other two judges’ scores.

(15) RE-SUBMITTALS – Work receiving 22 points or higher may not be submitted in any future regular monthly competition. Work receiving less than 22 points may be resubmitted one additional time.

(16) WORK MUST BE CURRENT – All work submitted to the PFLI must have been exhibited at the club level during the current season, with one exception. Any work that was exhibited at the club after the last PFLI regular season competition in May may be submitted during the following PFLI season at the discretion of the club or maker. Clubs may elect a different selection process for Creative images if they choose (there does not have to be a formal exhibition or competition at the club).

(17) MAKE-UPS – Any club that completely misses a competition category/class is entitled to submit a make-up entry. Print make-ups must be so marked on the entry forms and must include the month being made-up. In addition, the words “Make Up” must be noted on each piece of work. No more than TWO Make-Ups are permitted in a given season. Partial make-ups are not allowed in regard to the number of pieces of work in a given category/class (if a club submits only three pieces of work as a make-up that completes the make-up. You may not put in two more pieces of work at a subsequent competition). Category/class, however, may be split (a club may choose to make-up their digital images on one night and their prints on a subsequent evening). Digital image make-ups are designated by replacing the “c” in the file name with the competition month being made up where 1 = Oct, 2 = Nov, etc. (example: suppose the image c27-johnsmith-ad-bird.jpg is being submitted in January as makeup for December. December is competition number 3 so the image would be renamed as 327-johnsmith-adbird.jpg)

Individual makeups are permitted in the event of a failure of an image to project for a technical reason (wrong extension or wrong underlying format.)

(18) IMAGE SIZES – All prints must be mounted and range in size from a minimum of 5” by 7” to a maximum of 16” by 20”. The maximum mount size is 16” by 20”. Digital images must be sized in accordance with the medium to be used in the competition.

(19) PRINT IDENTIFICATION – All prints must have a PFLI label, fully filled out, near the top-right corner on the back of the print. A prominent arrow indicating the “top” of the print should be included. Prints will be shown as marked. If there is no arrow, the label will determine the orientation.

(20) IMPROPER MOUNTING – No prints are to be mounted in frames, on wood, or in any way so as to damage other prints on either side when placed in a stack for exhibiting at the PFLI. This specifically applies to glue or sticky or rough tape used for the purpose of mounting either the print or the label. Prints so mounted may be rejected at the sole discretion of the Competition Committee.

(21) LIABILITY – The PFLI is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen prints.




B workers:

Any B worker receiving 23 points or higher in DPB, DBW, CRE or Print in any regular monthly competition from the current season is eligible to be entered in the Leonard Victor Memorial competition.

A workers:

Any A worker receiving 24 points or higher in DPA and DBW in any regular monthly competition is eligible to be entered in the Leonard Victor Memorial competition. Any A worker receiving 23 points in CRE images in any regular monthly competition is eligible to be entered in the Leonard Victor Memorial competition. In addition, any A worker receiving 24 points or higher in any regular monthly Print competition from the current season is eligible to be entered in the Leonard Victor Memorial competition. 

(2) NUMBER OF ENTRIES – Each worker may submit up to (3) pieces per category in prints and (2) per category in digital. (i.e 3 Color prints, 3 BW prints, 2 Digital Color Images, 2 Digital BW images, 2 Creative images for a maximum of 12) subject to item (1) above.

(3) SUBCATEGORIES – There are 36 competition subcategories. 16 in Digital and 20 in Prints.


DPA Plants CPB Plants

DPA Scenic                                                                CPA Scenic

DPA Animals                                                             CPA Animals

DPB People/PJ                                                         CPA People/PJ

DPA Other                                                        CPA Other

DPB Plants                                                       CPB Plants

DPB Scenic                                                              CPB Scenic

DPB Animals                                                              CPB Animals

DPB People/PJ                          CPB People/PJ

DPB Other                            CPB Other

DBW Plants                                                                     

DBW Scenic

DBW Animals

DBW People/PJ

DBW Other



A maker MUST enter his/her images in the appropriate category starting in competition year 2023-2024. If the competition team determines the image is entered in the incorrect category it will be moved to the appropriate category or a maker can enter another eligible image. If the error is not discovered until the day of the competition the image may be disqualified from the competition.*


(4) AWARDS – A 1st place plaque will be awarded in each subcategory.  2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive an award certificate. All first place winners in DIGITAL will compete against each other for the best overall Digital Color A , Digital Color B, Digital BW A and Digital BW B. These 4 images along with the winning Creative image will then compete against each to select the Grand Prize Dick Hunt Award in Digital chosen by the team of judges.

*All first place winners in PRINTS  will compete against each other for the best overall Color Print A ,  Color Print B,  BW Print A and BW Print -B. These 4 images will then compete against each to select the Grand Prize Dick Hunt Award in Prints chosen by the team of judges.

* The names of ALL 1st Place winners will not be revealed until after the images are selected to compete for the Grand Prize but before that round is completed.

(5) SCORING – There will be a minimum of three judges with one alternate judge to substitute (a total minimum of 4 judges) instead of averaging. In the event of ties there will additional rounds to select a winner.

(6) LIMITATIONS OF AWARDS – No one person will be eligible to win more than more than one award in a given sub group.

(7) MINIMUM NUMBER OF ENTRIES – There will be no longer a minimum number of entries to receive an award in either the digital or print categories.

(8) JUDGES – The judges may be active members of any PFLI affiliated-club or unattached. Judges are not compensated.


*NOTEThe PFLI reserves the right to adjust the basic criteria for the Leonard Victor competition each year. Any changes that deviate from what is in the current rules ( ex.point eligibility, entries, etc.) shall be announced by the Board of Directors at least one month before the date of the competition. This includes the minimum score required in each category, the number of judges, the sub-categories, and the distribution of the awards.



A 27 point medal will be awarded to any image in any category/class, attaining 27 points in a regular season competition.


At the conclusion of the season, an All Star list will be compiled for each category/class (CPA, BWA, CPB, BWB, DPA, DPB, DBW, and Creative) based upon the maker’s average for all entries in that category/class. You must have entered at least five images and averaged 23 points or better to be included on the list. There will be a first, second, and third-place plaque award in each category and class. In addition, there will be a first, second, and third place Super All Star Award for makers who are competing in 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 categories. To be eligible, you must have entered at least five images in each category/class and averaged 23 points or higher overall.


To be eligible for the Hall of Fame, a maker must accumulate 50 points over a minimum of a 5-year period. Points are awarded as follows:

For finishing in the top 3 on any “A” All Star List.....5 points.

For scoring a perfect 27 points in any “A” category .....4 points.

For winning a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd “A” class Leonard Victor Award...3 points

A commemorative plaque will be presented to all Hall of Fame inductees.


Before leaving a competition, each club representative should make sure that they have all of their own prints AND no prints from another club. Please contact the Competition Chairperson or an executive Board Member in the event of any lost work. The Competition Rules are designed to help PFLI competitions run more smoothly. If a violation of the rules is detected, or in the event, another photographer files a complaint, the PFLI Executive Board or Competition Committee Chairperson will take appropriate action, including disqualification of the offending photographs from current and/or previous competitions. Most disqualification’s result from photos being entered in the wrong class (i.e., “A” in place of “B”) or by a person entering two or more images when they are entitled to only one. Unfortunately, these mistakes are usually not caught until it is too late to correct. Be careful. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding these rules, please feel free to contact any member of the PFLI Executive Board or the Competition Chairperson.

REASON FOR LATEST REVISION - Revisions to the specific Leonard Victor competition and general editing.