Speaker Programs Available
Photo Credit: Barbara Crane
Please contact the individual speaker(s) for pricing and time slots.
1) Anatomy of a Competitive Image...2) Creating Black and White Images in Lightroom and ACR...3) Lightroom Tips and Tricks ...4) Photoshop Tips and Tricks..5) Compositing in Photoshop...6) Why Lightroom Users Should Learn Photoshop...7) Topaz Post Processing Tools...8) Improve Your Images Using Luminosity Masking in Lightroom and Photoshop...9) Lightroom Post Processing Using the Develop Module...10) Photoshop Post Processing...11) Photoshop Layers Selections, Layers and Masks...12) Show Off Your Work with Adobe Portfolio Website...13) Lightroom Importing and Organization Using the Library Module...14) Adobe Elements, An Alternative To Lightroom And Photoshop...15) Lightroom and ACR Masking Using the New masking Tools...16) Other topics on request, contact me. Al of the above programs are typically 1.5 hrs. in length and are available either via zoom remote meeting or in person depending on COVID restrictions and meeting location. | Alan Agdern | 516-526-7176 | aagdern@gmail.com | |
Contact Andy for Titles | Andrew Kurchey | 631-242-5854 | 2014ak2@gmail.com | |
1) Basic Photography...2) Composition...3) How to Use a Camera...4) Light | Cesar Rivera | 718-295-7382 | cr_studio@yahoo.com | |
1) Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Wedding Photography but Didn't Know Who to Ask...2) Flash photography, equipment, technique, science and process...3) Focus Stacking a hands-on, live, tethered demo and keynote presentation...4) Photographing reflective and transparent subjects | Chris Moore | 347-326-5154 | 917-519-3490 | greenmarble@optonline.net |
1) Sports Photography...2) Event Photography for the Non-Event Photographer...3) Getting Organized in Lightroom & Backing-up Your Images...4) Working in the Lightroom Develop Module...5) Dance/Theater/Concert Photography | Darin Reed | 631-434-5462 | shiningmomentphoto1@gmail.com | |
History of Photography from 330 BC to the Present | Dick Hunt | 516-579-9605 | raaah36@gmail.com | |
1) Designing a Book using Photoshop...2) Photoshop Masking | Donna Crinnian | 631-751-0070 | crindini7@aol.com | |
1) I’m Alive... Description: A celebration of wildlife throughout the world, accompanied by an uplifting and inspirational musical theme. North America, Central and South America, the Falkland and Galapagos Islands, Iceland, Japan, the Arctic Ocean, African countries including Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Botswana and South Africa are all part of this show...2) SAFARI AFRICA: Travel to Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zambia...3) I CAN DO THAT IN PHOTOSHOP OR LIGHTROOM | Ivan Rothman | 516-304-5684 | ivanrothmanmd@gmail.com | |
Having Fun With Photoshop - 1, 2, & 3 | Joanna Gazzola | 516-505-0684 | jojogazz@aol.com | |
1) Cleaning Your Camera Sensor...2) Resourses for learning photography...3) Lightroom Live Demo, audience can submit photos. Q&A...4) The Photography of Joe Pellicone - Photo Slideshows and discussion any combination of shows below included: a) Pope Benedict in NYC...b) Before & After, Images processed in PS & LR...c) NASA Shuttle Arrival at JFK...d) Surfing USA...e) Wedding Albums Designed in PS - Various Others as well. | Joe Pellicone | 516-795-6346 | 516-250-6041 | tshrtkng@gmail.com |
Digital short shows all run about 40-50 minutes, depending on amount of commentary desired. "The Nature show is quite good and will really inspire and perk the interest to those interested in Nature Photography." 1- Cape Ann, a photographers paradise...2- Amish Country, Land of Good and Plenty ( Looking back on Yesterday)...3- Nature... A gift from our Creator. Will not go off Long Island, no Jan. and Feb. other then very local. | John Brokos | 516-485-7996 | jbrokos3@verizon.net | |
Photographing Performances | John Bruno | 516-466-6861 | jebruno@optonline.net | |
1) Birds of a Different Feather...2) Take Another Look- Macro digital presentation and Q&A session after..3) Music of the Night. How to photograph cities, industrial, cool hot spots, and how the same applies for waterfalls and slow SS water. Golden hour and blue hour covered. How to do manual for those who don’t...4) Take Another Look- Macro digital presentation and Q&A session after...5) Judging is judging. I make it fun. | Kathy Baca | 631-864-1696 | 631-974-0125 | themower@aol.com |
1) Creative processing with Photoshop and/or Lightroom...2) Lightroom: File Management and Workflow Tips...3) Photoshop: From basics to advanced...4) The Modern Photographer & the Social Web (Grow Your Business with Email and Social Media) | Krystle DiNicola | 631-606-0142 | hello@KLDPhotography.com | |
Light Painting - A hands on Workshop - Fun and Creative Table Top Light Painting | Paula Greco | 516-798-1752 | lightcreationsbypaula@gmail.com | |
1) Create Photo Books that Look Professionally Published...2) Tanzania’s Eighth Wonder of the World & Preparing for your Photo Safari | Rich Sternberg | 631-921-0784 | richsternberg@hotmail.com | |
Machu Picchu and the Galapagos,Tanzania Photo Adventure, Our Life In Japan,Thailand - Bangkok and Beyond, Vietnam and Cambodia, The Route of the Maya, Turkey....Istanbul and Beyond, Iceland-Land of Fire, Ice and Greenery | Richard Witkover | 631-368-0452 | witimages@optonline.net | |
1) Photoshop 101, using bridge to upload, and ACR to process Using Actions & Batch processing...2) Creative Photoshop, using textures & blending modes. & Where to find free textures...3) Creating a brush logo, Where to find free fonts, how to load them. How to make anything a brush...4) Tanzania - Multimedia Slide Show...5) Costa Rica - Multimedia Slide Show...6) Cuba - Multimedia Slide Show...7) Iceland - Multimedia Slide Show...8) Namibia - Multimedia Slide Show | Roni Chastain | 516-671-1828 | ronimeetup@gmail.com | |
Social Media for Photographers | Samantha Kennedy | Samantha.a.Kennedy@gmail.com | ||
1) Photographic Composition 2) Macro Photography | Steve Kessler | 516-293-8302 | bigmufa@optonline.net |